Hand Immobilization Attack for Close Quarters Trapping


Hand Immobilization Attack for Close Quarters Trapping

When doing a complex drill like I just showed, it’s easy for people to take a look at that drill and think that you would get into a situation like that, put your arms up meet wrist to wrist and go through several of these moves in a perfect order. That is obviously not the case.

We do a drill like that because we use it as a training method. That training method is not meant just to develop techniques and much less as it is not meant to develop techniques in a choreographed sequence. Drills like these are done so we increase the ability and the quality of our attributes. Things like distancing, timing, sensitivity, spatial relations, fluidity and flow. These are the qualities that are needed in order to “pull off” your techniques in real life. Therefore, when we do these drills, we do not do them in order to practice a sequence of self-defense moves you might see in a movie. We do them so we develop muscle memory and adaptability.

That’s why it is so important to not just practice one sequence of self-defense moves over and over but throw in change.  An example is where a particular move is followed up in a certain way over and over again but then your opponent throws in another kind of energy.  Examples could be a different kind of block or they turn a different way and you have to go ahead and then flow to another set of moves or movements. The ability to be able to do this is so important because there is no one set of moves or sequences or even situations that would mirror how you would practice outside of true fights.  Changing the reactions of your training partner can help you prepare for this unpredictability.

For more training and learning how to attack any opponent in 5 different superior ways, check out http://www.FiveWaysofAttack.com.
